TextAsWBBProvider 2 is a string processing class that transform a text into a matrix. Each line of the generated matrix is a vector representation of a word in the text. The generated matrix is unique per word sequence (bijection between set of word sequence and set of matrix). The matrix can then be used for Natural Language Processing purpose.
Example: For the dictionary: "I", "am", "programmer", "no", "life" The generated matrix for the text "Programmer no life" would be:
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1
DataChain is a data structure utility that prepare a set of processed text data for on chain submission to a network or statistical prediction system
.AbstractImageReader is an abstract parent class for any class that is designed to read and decode a compressed or uncompressed image data from a given format into a bitmap. AbstractImageReader is performance oriented interface that help to read, decode and store only the needed data from the image.
BmpImageReader is a child class of AbstractImageReader that focus on BMP image reading.
JpegImageReader is a child class of AbstractImageReader that focus on JPEG image reading.
Reader is an interface that hold all image reader header for usage.
AbstractImageWriter is an abstract parent class for any class that is designed to encode and write a bitmap into a file for a given format.
BmpImageWriter is a child class of AbstractImageWriter that focus on BMP image writing.
JpegImageWriter is a child class of AbstractImageWriter that focus on JPEG image writing.
PngImageWriter is a child class of AbstractImageWriter that focus on PNG image writing.
Bitmap class is a representation of bitmap image. It also include some matrix transformation for images.
BitmapColorTable is a class that store the color table a given bitmap.
BitmapFactory is a class that include commun image I/O, encoding and decoding tools.
Pixel is a class representation of image rgba based pixel.
Rgba is a class representation of rgba color system.
MatrixBase is a class representation of matrix. It also include most matrix operation and transformation.
File is a class that include commun file I/O tools.
Matrix is a class representation of matrix. It also include most matrix operation and transformation.
MatrixBase is a class representation of matrix. It also include most matrix operation and transformation.
VectorBase is a class representation of vector. It also include most vector operation and transformation.
Conv1DLayer is a class representation of 1D Convolutional Layer in Artificial Neural Network. Conv1DLayer is usually used for 1 dimensional data.
Conv2DLayer is a class representation of 2D Convolutional Layer in Artificial Neural Network. Conv2DLayer is usually used for 2 dimensional data.
Conv3DLayer is a class representation of 3D Convolutional Layer in Artificial Neural Network. Conv3DLayer is usually used for 3 dimensional data.
MaxPooling1DLayer is a class representation of MaxPooling 1D layer in Artificial Neural Network (ANN).
AbstractActivation is a parent abstract class of all activation function in Jacobit.
HyperbolicTangentActivation is a class representation of HyperbolicTangent activation function in Artificial Neural Network (ANN).
ReLUActivation is a class representation of ReLu activation function in Artificial Neural Network (ANN).
SigmoidActivation is a class representation of Sigmoid activation function in Artificial Neural Network (ANN).
Softmax is a class representation of Softmax activation function in Artificial Neural Network (ANN).
A directory where optimization algorithms are implemented.
Neurone is class representation of Neurone in Artificial Neural Network (ANN).
NeuroneGuest is class representation of guess Neurone in Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The "Guess Neurone" concept is introduced to name the relationship between a given neurone and the one to which it's connected in previous layer.
RNNNeurone is a class representation of neurone in Recurrent Layer in Artificial Neural Network (ANN).
SimpleRNNLayer is a class representation of Recurrent Layer in Artificial Neural Network (ANN).
AbstractTransformerLayer is a parent abstract class of all Transformer Layer in Artificial Neural Network (ANN).
AbstractLayer is a parent abstract class of all Layer in Artificial Neural Network (ANN).
DenseLayer is a class representation of Full Connected Layer in Artificial Neural Network (ANN). In DenseLayer, each neurone is connected to all neurone in previous layer.
InputLayer is a class representation of Input Layer in Artificial Neural Network (ANN).
SoftmaxLayer is a class representation of a Layer with Softmax activation in Artificial Neural Network (ANN).
AbstractNeuralNetwork is a parent abstract class of all Neural Network representation in Jacobit.
FullConnectedNeuralNetwork is a class representation of a Atificial Neural Network in which all Layer are Full Connected.
NeuralNetwork is a class representation of standard Artificial Neural Network.
Jacobit support model export and import through JSON format. AbstractJSONObject is a parent class of all JSON processing class in Jacobit.
JSONArray is a class for array representation in JSON.
JSONObject is a class for object representation in JSON.
JSONVariant is a class for variant data type (string, int, float, double, ...) representation in JSON.
Map if a class key value chain storing.
String is a class to store and process string data.
Variant is a class to store hybride data type. With Variant, it's possible to store all basic data type (string, char, int, float, double, ...) in one variable.
Jacobit represent the Jacobit framework and is designed to store for basic operation on the framework.